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TEAM Xtreem [Archive] - Crazypc Forum


View Full Version : TEAM Xtreem

  1. TEAM Xtreem PC5300 3-3-3 - Micron D9
  2. TEAM Xtreem PC6400 4-4-4 @ 470Mhz 3-3-3 !!
  3. Informatii despre memorie.
  4. Teste Memorii Team Xtreem Team Group
  5. TeamGroup TXDR1024M400HC25DC
  6. Noi modele TEAM Xtreem
  7. Nou record TEAM Xtreem: 522Mhz 3-3-3 !!
  8. Creme de la creme: TEAM Xtreem TXDD2048M1800HC5DC
  9. Thermal specs
  10. TXDD2048M667HC3DC-M vs. TXDD2048M800HC4DC
  11. Vreau sa cumpar TXDR1024M400HC2DC....
  12. TXDD2048M800HC4DC vs. TWIN2X2048-6400C4D
  13. Promotie de sarbatori TEAM Xtreem !
  14. TeamGroup TXDD1024M800HC4DC nedumeriri
  15. Lista de compatibilitati cu placile de baza
  16. Chip-urile Micron si voltajul crescut
  17. TEAM Xtreem Dark + Asus Commando
  18. Team Xtreem PC4200 3-3-3-8 Micron D9GCT issues
  19. Team Xtreem 800 mhz
  20. Probleme Xtreem 800mhz
  21. Memoriile Team X-treem
  22. SSD de la TeamGroup Inc.
  23. Scădere preţuri
  24. TEAMGROUP TXDD2048M800HC4DC overclocking.
  25. Team Xtreem D9 GMH pe Intel P35,frecv sus banda jos